Whether they are good or bad, our habits determine our lives.
And as the digital sphere of our lives continues to grow, the importance of our digital habits grows as well. In other words, thinking hard about our digital habits has never had the potential to give us a greater ROI!
Here are 12 specific digital habits that can move us closer to an ideal digital life. Many of these ideas are applicable to anyone and also apply to both computers and phones.
Healthy digital lives could include many more habits. In the near future, we plan to discuss another list even more specifically for tech workers or long periods of time spent on your computer.
On this list, number 2 was an especially valuable one for me. I have not been following the 20-20-20 rule, and my eyes have been feeling the strain. I have already begun to practice it.
See which habits speak the most to you or if you already practice all of these, feel free to toot your horn in the comments below!
12 Specific Digital Habits for All of Us
- Limit Screen Time: Set boundaries on how much time you spend on digital devices each day. Use features like screen time tracking or apps that remind you to take breaks. This is an important one that deserves real attention. As you probably know, it is quite easy to override time limits on devices, but at least it gives you the reminder. More on screen time tracking coming soon.
- Practice the 20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds to reduce eye strain. It’s amazing how restful it is to the eyes to look at something far away for a short period.
- Use Blue Light Filters: Install blue light filter apps or enable built-in features on your devices to reduce the amount of blue light emitted, which can disrupt sleep patterns. There is also the option of blue light glasses, but I have heard mixed reports about them.
- Practice Digital Detox: Set aside designated times to disconnect from digital devices completely, such as during meals, before bedtime, or on weekends. This is easier said than done, but try going for a walk without your phone for starters. Disconnecting completely does WONDERFUL things for the mind – try it sometime!
- Establish Tech-Free Zones: Designate certain areas of your home, like the bedroom or dining room, as tech-free zones to encourage relaxation and spending time with your family and friends. I have a designated place in the house where I try to place my phone in the evening. This still allows me to check it occasionally, but it keeps me from spending time on it in the evenings.
- Set Boundaries with Work Emails: Establish specific times to check and respond to work emails to prevent them from encroaching on personal time. Few deaths will result from letting a work email wait until the following morning.
- Manage Notifications: Disable non-essential notifications to reduce distractions and interruptions, allowing you to focus better on tasks at hand. Distraction is deadly.
- Limit Social Media Use: Set boundaries on social media usage by scheduling specific times to check social platforms and limiting (or even better, eliminating) the time spent scrolling through feeds.
- Use Productivity Tools: Utilize apps and tools designed to boost productivity and time management, such as task managers, calendars, and note-taking apps, to stay organized and efficient. Find more app ideas here.
- Digital De-cluttering: Periodically review and de-clutter your digital devices, deleting unused apps, organizing files, and unsubscribing from unnecessary emails to reduce digital clutter and stress. If you’re like me, the apps on your phone tend to proliferate and all of them have the potential to clutter up your life (not to mention waste your phone’s memory and battery).
- Prioritize Sleep: Create a bedtime routine that includes winding down without screens at least an hour before going to sleep to promote better sleep quality. As we all know, a good night’s sleep helps us to handle life so much better.
- Reflect Regularly: Take time to reflect on your digital habits, their impact on your well-being, and any adjustments you can make to maintain a healthy balance between digital and offline life. Being AWARE of the impact that our devices have on us is what we are all about here at Digital Dayz!
Share YOUR Experience!
Already attained the Ideal Digital Life and don’t see anything here that you need?
Way to go! Tell us how you achieved it!
Does one (or ALL) of these habits convict you of a need for change?
Join the club! And again, share with the rest of us struggling mortals!
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