Ideal Digital Life
- Posted On Ideal Digital Life
A Digital Sacrifice for Ash Wednesday
–James S Martin What are you giving up for Lent this year? It’s an annual ritual between me and my brother-in-law. Neither of us are…
- Posted On Ideal Digital Life
Unplug and Prioritize: Your 5-Step Guide to Digital Freedom
Do you wake up with an urge to grab your phone, scroll endlessly through feeds that leave you empty, and crave real-life connections that seem…
- Posted On Ideal Digital Life
10 Ways Screen Time is Negatively Affecting Us and How We Can Fight Back
Our phones are always with us. As a digital culture, it’s our camera, notebooks, maps, and our connection to the rest of the world. While…
What Are Smartphones Doing to Our Ability to Read?
Smartphones and reading books – is there a connection? In 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You (a book that will definitely be on the…
Information Age = 1840s?
We think of the Information Age as being quite recent. If you’re like me, you probably think of it as basically beginning with the Internet…
- Posted On Ideal Digital Life
Your Phone or Your Life?
How much does your phone cost you? Fifty bucks a month? Two hundred fifty dollars a month? There’s a famous saying by Henry David Thoreau…

Digital Dayz
Digital Dayz brings awareness to topics surrounding our digital health.