Our Story
Jared Clugston and Stennett Eberly first met at work. Working in the digital space has shown them both the positives and the negatives of the digital world.
How do you navigate them? How do we as Christians think well about tech, our usage of it. and its affect on us?
That’s what we are here to explore at Digital Dayz!
Brain Fog Anyone?
Do you sometimes find yourself in a digital haze, unable to concentrate, read, and think the way you used to? If so, you are not alone.
Join Digital Dayz, a community that has decided to do something about this problem. Let’s learn how to live in a digital world without losing our minds.
Join us for discussions about thinking well, retaining focus, and unplugging. Digital Dayz wants to be a forum for exploring these problems and showing each of us that we are not alone.
Join our weekly email today.

Stennett Eberly
From a young age, books, the power of words, and the study of the mind have fascinated Stennett. Watching digital technology grow and change over the last 15 years have made him ponder and study what the effects of such a sweeping groundswell might be on his own life and the lives of others.
After entering the world of freelance writing and marketing full time, he became even more interested in learning about the effect of digital technology on the mind. He was very excited to team up with Jared Clugston, who has similar interests, to work on Digital Dayz.
Stennett and his wife Jessica reside in the beautiful Cache Valley of Idaho where they enjoy life with their 4 children. They enjoy contribu-ting to their local church and school, fixing up a new property, and becoming the people that God wants them to be.

Jared Clugston
Even from a young age, Jared discovered that he had the ability to walk into a room full of people, and, with a few glances, spot the athletes, the musicians, and the book lovers from across the way. He found he was able to use these observations to ask the right questions and connect with people on their level.
Entering the digital marketing space has been a dream come true for Jared, but it has also shown him the dangers and pitfalls of constant digital exposure. He wants to use his ability to connect with people and his interest in digital tech to help people find solutions for the problems that they are facing.
Jared and his lovely wife Audrey live in south central PA. Among other things, Jared is passionate about family, servant leadership, and building God’s Kingdom. In his free time, he enjoys good conversations with friends and spending time with his wife at boutique coffee shops.